Tout sur Print4All

The market renews its trust in Print4All, which will be held at Fiera Milano from 3 to 6 May 2022 and will be attended by many leading brands, highly representative of every "soul" in the sector.

They will be four days full of business and networking, but also of discussion and updating on the market and new trends, with a rich schedule of meetings to be held during the event.

The supply chain approach that was so well received in the last edition is confirmed: Print4All reconfirms its membership in The Innovation Alliance, the event dedicated to instrumental mechanics, and this year will take place in conjunction with Ipack-Ima, GreenPlast and Intralogistica Italia.

ITA - Italian Trade Agency, the Governmental agency that supports the business development of Italian companies abroad and promotes the attraction of foreign investment in Italy, supports Print4All in collaboration with Acimga.

Au salon italien Print4All (29 mai-1er juin) à Milan, plus de 50 membres de la fédération européenne Intergraf et spécialistes issus de l'industrie graphique de 19 pays européens se sont rejoints pour discuter de l'Industrie 4.0 et du rôle des générations plus jeunes dans le futur secteur graphique.